Friday, March 24, 2006

Video taped talk introducing Fudan life

月底的时候作为volunteer给SoC的本科生介绍中国大学生活的一些情况。新加坡的大部分本科生似乎太愿意带在自己的国家了,虽然中国有10所最好的大学提供exchange的机会,甚至NUS提供资助和贷款,但申请的人还是很少,白白浪费了那么多的机会。如果外国大学在中国提供那么多机会,哪怕是印度,申请的学生也不会少。发展中国家更具有活力,人们反倒更加开放,学习的热忱反倒高,果然是"生于忧患,死于安乐"阿!Anyway, 下面是录像的讲话,对着摄像机旁边的script念的,拍出来有点傻,眼睛看着旁边有点像斜视。。。

I'm from Fudan University, so I'm gonna talk something about Fudan University. Fudan University is located in Shanghai, which is the economical heart of China and a very developed city just like singapore, so I bet everything you find here in singapore, you'll find it and more around Fudan, maybe except for Durain. The university is one of the best universities in China and is called "Yale in China" according to its international reputation, and is also one of the earliest universities in China, as you probably know, Fudan has celebrated its centinnial with NUS together last year. It has a beautiful campus, and you can find both old chinese style gardons with "xiao qiao liu shui" and modern style brand new university hall on campus.

The brightest part of student life in Fudan is the variety and quality of tens of special intrest clubs, for me I was in the chior which is the best student chior team in Shanghai, and I was in the comics club where we have weekly comics movie session and I borrowed lots of comics books from friends in the club, and I was in the modern dancing club for a very short while to perform a street dance on a dancing festival. Other clubs like calligraphy, orchestration, rock & roll bands, chess and weiqi/go, drama play and even English corner - somewhere you can have a show time and definately get everyone stuned... Food in and around Fudan is brilliant, you can find very original taste food from different schools like Sichuan, Yunnan around, and also western, korean, etc near the campus. There is a even a big Raffles city in central Shanghai opened by singaporean in case you miss singapore a lot, but I guess you won't. If you have time travelling around, you can go to a lot of famous places very easily and near Shanghai, like Hangzhou, Suzhou, Nanjing, HuangShan, YanDangShan, and et al. I think you will have more than enough fun there living in Fudan.

In terms of study, most computer science courses are taught in Chinese using chinese text books. This may be a challenge for you, but its just like it was a challenge for me when I first came here three years ago as a postgraduate student. Surpprisingly, I found it is very easy to relate chinese terminologies with english ones so I had no problem passing all the exams for the first semester. Besides, I think it's very interesting to know how Chinese and English terminologies are inter-translated, like database in chinese is called ShuJuKu. Some old professors like to teach with a old school blackboard style, and you will find it's really helpful to fully understand what is going on, compared to powerpoint slides. What I want to say here is, don't worry about Chinese, you already have it!

Another thing is, if you are worried about leaving home and get lonely etc, don't. The fact is, we have a whole international student department in Fudan, and most of them are from Korea and Japan, around 2/3 hundreds I guess, but you know, they don't speak good chinese and english, but singaporeans do. Chinese students in general are very interested in making foreigner friends, to know about different cultures and practise English. To be sure, after the lecturer introduced you to the class, you'll be queued after class.

The last thing, I think to go to China and know about China will be a good experience for you, as with time passing by, you will definitely meet more and more chinese people and such experience will closer the distance. Keep in touch with friends you made in Fudan, as later on, some of them will become important people, and can give you positive support on your own career. I wish some of you have been fired up and wish you a fruitful and happy stay in China!

My music store and storage

为一个喜欢音乐的人,其实早就暗暗想要买一个了。虽然原先的sony CD/mp3 player还健在,不过携带起来很不方便,再加上原先的歌曲零散的放在好几张CD上面,有的甚至已经读不出来了,大有退休的趋势。当然,上面的是借口,真正的原因是,作为一个健康的男性,自己没有办法抗拒包含最新科技元素的小玩意儿,特别是一个set the standard的小玩意儿。 星期天和小艳出去逛街,借着将就做一个活动硬盘的目的(还是借口……)买下了她--最新的ipod video 30GB。


晚上开始充电完毕,遂开始摆弄。其间死机一回,按任何键都无反应,不能standby,想起以前徐熹的新手机因为类似问题烧掉重换了一个,突然觉得很郁闷。好在小艳不停的开导我,更年期情绪过去之后静下心来google了一下,发现可以通过按键组合来reboot。我这个对电子产品颇有天赋的人,败在了坏情绪上,值得检讨一下。后来使用的感觉都很pleasant,ipod video放电影效果确实很好,320x200的分辨率,甚至比以前的VCR和VCD还要好,在小屏幕上真是cristal clear。mp3 now playing可以显示专辑的artwork,刚好前段时间买了Gozillaz demon days的CD,压成mp3,再google了一张artwork,播放的时候就和上面右边的图一模一样了:-)。正因为pleasant,这两天逢人就show一下俺的ipod。Cool enough~

Friday, March 10, 2006

Self testing, true enough

Alva has mentioned this self testing about what is your scholastic strength some time before. Finding it today, I'm still quite supprised it contains only 5 short questions. Forget about the script doing the scoring, it's quite accurate for me, and for alva, for it's interesting to find that people are "suitable" to develop their scholastic strength from their hobbies, rather than works :-D Nonetheless, the qualitative description about "innovative" character of mine is true, it's in my BLOOD.

Your Scholastic Strength Is Innovating

You are the master of new ideas, techniques, and ways of looking at things.
You are talented at structuring thoughts, decision making, clarifying, and making deadlines.

You should major in:

Cognitive Science